Anne Frank House (Huis)
The Anne Frank House was first on our "have to visit list." This historic landmark transports visitors through time and allows them to step into the hidden world of Anne Frank and her family. Tickets must be bought online - we had to buy ours 3 months in advance. No photos are allowed inside.
Anne Frank Huis (House)
Anne Frank Huis (House)
Entry to Anne Frank Huis
Entry to Anne Frank Huis
A memorial statue of Anne Frank, just outside Westerkerk, a church mentioned frequently in Anne Frank's diaries for her being able to see or hear it from her hiding place.
A memorial statue of Anne Frank, just outside Westerkerk, a church mentioned frequently in Anne Frank's diaries for her being able to see or hear it from her hiding place.
The Rijksmuseum, a short walk from our hotel, is a treasure trove of Dutch art and history. Housing a vast collection of masterpieces, the museum offers a captivating journey through the rich cultural heritage of the Netherlands.
View of the Rijksmuseum
View of the Rijksmuseum
Intricate bas relief on the front of the Rijksmuseum
Intricate bas relief on the front of the Rijksmuseum
One finds these sculpture of different building professionals everywhere on the Rijksmuseum
One finds these sculpture of different building professionals everywhere on the Rijksmuseum
A pass through of the Rijksmuseum. Cars used to pass through here; now it's just bicycles.
A pass through of the Rijksmuseum. Cars used to pass through here; now it's just bicycles.
Playmobil - Marten & Oopjen characters
Playmobil - Marten & Oopjen characters
Statues from the Night Watch
Statues from the Night Watch
Night Watch, Rembrandt van Rijn, 1642
Night Watch, Rembrandt van Rijn, 1642
Night Watch detail
Night Watch detail
Night Watch detail
Night Watch detail
Night Watch detail
Night Watch detail
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw in 1639, by Van der Helst
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw in 1639, by Van der Helst
Detail of The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
Detail of The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
The Company of Roelof Bicker and Lieutenant Jan Michielsz Blaeuw
The Battle of Waterloo, Jan Willem Pieneman, 1824
The Battle of Waterloo, Jan Willem Pieneman, 1824
Rijksmuseum garden
Rijksmuseum garden
"I amsterdam" sign at the Rijksmuseum
"I amsterdam" sign at the Rijksmuseum
Self-protrait of a Dreamer, Joseph Klibansky, Rijksmuseum
Self-protrait of a Dreamer, Joseph Klibansky, Rijksmuseum
The Rijksmuseum
The Rijksmuseum
Van Gogh Museum - unfortunately we did not have a chance to explore this museum
Van Gogh Museum - unfortunately we did not have a chance to explore this museum
Van Loon Museum

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